Wednesday, November 10, 2010


As I was re-reading my company SOPs it occurred to me that no where in them does it say proceed to the call disregarding all traffic regulations, rules of nature, and common sense; while maintaining speed generally associated with requirements for flying an F-16 in a Dog Fight.  Only one EMS promulgation even allows speed at no greater than ten MPH above the posted speed limit.  But are you ready for this?  All edicts stipulate seatbelt use in moving vehicles and the EMS papers don't mention when not doing patient care.

Is every call an emergency?  Risk a lot to save a lot.  Risk little to save little.  Don't risk anything if you can plan ahead.  Seat belts and speed are both under our command.  Keep them under control.  Yeah, I think my kids would miss me.  Thanks to Firefighter Close Calls for the pictures.

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